Lesson 7: Summary
Keyboard commands:
- Press F1 to bring up the help screen.
- Keys '4' and '6' move the camera horizontally left and right respectively.
- Keys '8' and '2' move the camera vertically up and down respectively.
- Keys '5' and '0' move the camera into and out of the screen respectively.
- Press 'r' to Toggle 'camera relative' mode on / off.
- Keys '[' and ']' rotate the camera up and down respectively.
- Keys ',' and '.' rotate the camera left and right respectively.
- Use the Arrow Keys to rotate the object.
- Pressing 'w' will toggle 'wireframe' mode.
- Pressing 'g' will toggle the grid on / off.
- Pressing 'b' will toggle 'back face' culling.
- Pressing 'c' will toggle the Console on / off.
- Press 'a' to increase your speed.
- Press 'z' to decrease your speed.
- Press the 'space bar' to increment the time in the Warp
- Press 'Return' to reverse increment the time.
- Press 't' to reset the time.
- Use '+' and '-' to change the hue of the object.
- Press 'd' to turn off the Doppler effect. Press 'd' again
to turn it back on.
- Press 'h' to toggle the headlight effect on / off.
- Press 'o' to open a new object file.
- Press 'Esc' to Exit Warp.
Well done! You've made it to the end, and you now know all there is to know about special relativity (well, sort of). I hope it's not been too dull
for you. Have fun playing around!
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