Warp is a program used to illustrate the appearance of everyday objects travelling at really, really high speeds. At such speeds, Einstein's theory of special relativity predicts that unusual things start to happen. Warp models these strange effects - it is a special relativity simulator.
Of course, we don't normally see these strange effects and for a good reason. By high speed we mean extremely high speeds - close to the speed of light. We don't normally see these 'relativistic' effects because the speeds associated with every day life don't compare with the speed of light. To whet your appetite, here's what Stonehenge looks like at close to the speed of light . . .
Very strange! Anyway, if you want a brief explaination of what's going on then a good place to start is the about page.
Once you've done that, try out the Warp special relativity simulator for yourself
by downloading it!
You'll now be wondering how to use Warp, or maybe you just want to learn more about special relativity. It'll be a good idea to read
the Lessons. If you still have questions about warp or relativity, try
the FAQ.